Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Follow your Bliss

You maybe heard this expression from Joseph Campbell. I follow my bliss when I go hiking to the mountains. I love to go to the mountains and be out in the nature. There I’m really myself and have the time and peace to think. Out in the fresh air where I’m away from the daily routine.

This is the time when I get inspired and find solutions for problems I face in the daily life. Or to dream about my future and my goals. Here I have a question for you: when have you the time to think, dream and reflect? Where do you go or what do you do?

Last Saturday was one of this days I spent out in the nature. Togehter with my wife Yvonne we went to the south part of Switzerland, to the canton Valais. It is famous for the mountains.

It was an awesome day. Blue sky and for this time of year relatively warm. The scenery was absolutely gorgeous. I enjoyed every minute. Such days gives me a lot of energy.

When was it the last time you was full of energy? What gives you the bliss in your life? From my point of view it is worth think about and to find a way to implement it in your life, so that you more and more can say: „I followed my bliss“

To your success 
Bruno Buergi

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

SFM Elite Member Coaching

A few days ago was the first SFM Live Elite Coaching Webinar with Stuart Ross. It was awesome. What Stuart knows and shares blows your socks off.

When you are relatively new in the online business as I am, this informations you get is like winning the jackpot in the lottery. What I learn as Elite Member saves me months when not years of hard work to put my business into place online. I learn all the inportent steps that are nesessary to move forward. For example:

  •  How you can improve your blogs.
  •  Strategies to build your list.
  •  How to build a relationship with your list.
  •  How to deliever massive value to your prospects.
  •  How to leverage your business in the internet.
  •  How to market your business and much much more

Many people think, online business is a push button quick rich business. But his is not the reality. At the beginning you need time, effort and massive action to start. It’s like in every business. You have to build a solid foundation. Otherwise you don’t get anywhere. As I mentioned above, with the SFM Elite you have a shortcut to your own business. You earn while you learn.

If you want to learn more about SFM Elite please click on the image below or this link.

To your success

Bruno Buergi

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011

SFM Elite 3.0 is LIVE!

Now since a few days SFM Elite 3.0 is live

With SFM Elite you get even more support from the Six Figures Mentors Stuart Ross and Daniel Wagner. For me it is a huge improvement. I get much more informations how I can build my online business and step by step instructions to move forward.
Imagine you would have two very successful internet marketer at your side which will help you build up your online business. Wouldn't it be great? Could you imagine that and how would your life change? For me it opened new doors for the future. I know now that with this help I can get very successful online and build multiple source of income.
If you want to learn more about SFM Elite and the Six Figures Mentors you can join our free Webinar.

It would be great when you can join us in the webinar. You wouldn't regret it. You will get all the information you will need to succeed in the internet. 
 If you want to learn more about Internet Laptop Life Style please checkout the following webpage:

You get a lot of information. A step by step blueprint how to go from Zero to Six Figures Online!
To your success!
Bruno Buergi